Codee Cleaning

WA’s Biggest Strata Reform Places Total Accountability on Strata Managers

WA’s Biggest Strata Reform Places Total Accountability on Strata Managers April 11, 2020  In case you haven’t heard, one of the most historic reforms to Western Australia’s strata legislation was proposed back in 2018, with the most significant changes to be made to strata in over 20 years. The reform aims to provide strata owners,… Continue reading WA’s Biggest Strata Reform Places Total Accountability on Strata Managers

Why Some Cleaning Companies Are Significantly Cheaper

Why Some Cleaning Companies Are Significantly Cheaper August 5, 2020 Are you currently comparing quotes between cleaning companies and wondering why one is cheaper than the other? Here’s why you should take a step back before signing. More and more businesses are now investing in the overall cleanliness of the premise. A workplace that is… Continue reading Why Some Cleaning Companies Are Significantly Cheaper

How Thorough Is Your Cleaning Company?

How Thorough Is Your Cleaning Company? August 5, 2020 Do you often find yourself doubting the efforts of your cleaning company? For instance, have you ever walked into the office or workplace to find a layer of dust on desks? Maybe you noticed the desk phones hadn’t been wiped, or found food scraps still in… Continue reading How Thorough Is Your Cleaning Company?

Are Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products as Good as Non-Eco-Friendly Ones?

Are Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products as Good as Non-Eco-Friendly Ones? August 25, 2020 Today’s society is becoming more aware of the impact it puts on the environment. Consumers are conscious of their actions and are more careful with the choices they make. Businesses recognise the new trends and tend to take their part in protecting it.… Continue reading Are Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products as Good as Non-Eco-Friendly Ones?

Cleaning, Sanitising & Disinfecting Under COVID-19: What Do Businesses Have to Do?

Cleaning, Sanitising & Disinfecting Under COVID-19: What Do Businesses Have to Do? October 26, 2020 Regular cleaning measures and extra precautions businesses must take under COVID-19 circumstances. In order to proceed with their operations, businesses have to implement health authorities’ recommendations like the ones highlighted by Safe Work Australia. It all starts with keeping the workplace… Continue reading Cleaning, Sanitising & Disinfecting Under COVID-19: What Do Businesses Have to Do?

How to Clean a House after a Major Renovation?

How to Clean a House after a Major Renovation? October 27, 2020 If you had a home remodelling or renovation, your home is likely in a huge mess now. There will be debris everywhere, the windows will be dirty, and the surfaces dusty. Post-renovation cleaning is very much needed at this point. Some homeowners like… Continue reading How to Clean a House after a Major Renovation?

How to Stage a Newly Renovated or Built Home

How to Stage a Newly Renovated or Built Home October 27, 2020 Selling a newly renovated or built home isn’t that simple. Empty and dirty space won’t look appealing in the eyes of the potential buyers. Many sellers think of home staging as the ultimate investment for selling a house or flat as it will… Continue reading How to Stage a Newly Renovated or Built Home